Santa Barbara Sexual Harassment Lawyer

Unwelcome sexual advances, sexually explicit jokes, and other verbal or physical conduct should never occur in a workplace.  Even with substantial protections under the law, some employers, business owners and others continue to subject employees to sexual harassment.  Sexual harassment happens far too often in the modern workplace.

When an employee is the victim of sexual harassment, the stress levels of the workplace increase exponentially.  Just getting ready to go into work can result in a feeling of helplessness when substantial harassment is occurring.  In some cases we have even seen the victims of harassment take vacation and sick days in order to seek mental treatment for the problems that have occurred in the workplace.

Many people do not know that for sexual harassment to occur, the victim and the harasser do not have to be members of the opposite sex.  Also, the law protects an employee who complains about sexual harassment, so it is illegal to terminate an employee who reports harassment or files a sexual harassment case.

Santa Barbara Sexual Harassment Lawyer

Our office helps the victims of sexual harassment throughout California.  We have offices located in Santa Barbara and San Francisco and our attorneys are available either in person or through telephone interviews to discuss what is occurring and to advise a potential client of their legal rights so that they can take action against the harassers.  All calls are kept strictly confidential and we never charge a fee to discuss a sexual harassment case and provide our opinion as to whether a case can be pursued.

To get more information about California sexual harassment laws, visit our CA Sexual Harassment Frequently Asked Questions page.  Or, call us directly at (805) 618-2924 to speak to a lawyer about your case today.